There are three primary ways for you to support the club - Become a member, donate or volunteer!

Donate to Capital Campaign

The Board of Triangle Stepping Stones purchased the property located at 3279 Lake Powell Road, Williamsburg, Virginia. It couldn’t have been done without the gracious support of the recovery community.

As we move forward, meeting our obligations, upkeep and improvements to the building and grounds will continue to need backing. Periodic donations are always welcome so we can continue to help serve the recovery community.

If you have questions about donations, please email

Become a member

Triangle Stepping Stones has five levels of support for its membership:

  • New Member: $5 / Month ($60 Annually)
  • Sustaining Member: $15 / Month ($180 Annually)
  • Sponsor: $25 / Month ($300 Annually)
  • Grand-Sponsor: $50 / Month ($600 Annually)
  • Founder: $100 / Month ($1,200 Annually)

Pick up an application and pay by check at the club or mail it in.

You can mail it to:

Post Office Box 345
Williamsburg, VA

Use Paypal or Credit Card

Make a payment with the PayPal Donate button below.



We always need willing helpers at TSS – some of the regular tasks we need help with include:

  • Membership (Reaching out, meeting contacts, following up, etc…)
  • Grounds-keeping (litter patrol, cutting grass, raking leaves, etc…)
  • Housekeeping (cleaning, sweeping, damp-mopping, dusting, etc…)
  • Leadership (fundraising, board membership, etc…)

If you can help with any of these issues, or if you’re just willing to do what you can, please contact any board member at the club. You can also send us an email at:

We’re grateful for your service!


Because TSS is a 501-c3 non-profit, donations to the club are tax deductible, depending on your tax status. 

One-time donations in any amount can be made  easily and directly by using the PayPal feature below. We welcome the opportunity to attribute your donation as:

“Friends of Bill W.” (AA)

“Friends of Lois W.” (Al-Anon)

“Friends of Jimmy K.” (NA)

Or you may create a memorial or testimony in any way you see fit:

Welcome Home!

Whether you’re a visitor to Williamsburg or a lifelong resident, we want to welcome you to Triangle Stepping Stones — a clubhouse where 12-Step recovery programs can host their meetings, have workshops, enjoy informal gatherings together, and experience the best that secure fellowship & community can offer.

Join & Support The Club!